Kentucky All-State 2020-2021 Bass Trombone Excerpt Bordogni 9
A quick read of the 2020-2021 Kentucky All-State Bass Trombone Excerpt Bordogni 9. Like I said yesterday, I like to play the pieces that my students are working on allowing my natural tendencies (tone, tempo, rhythm, intonation problems, style, and so on) to exist. This gives me an idea of possible problems that may occur during a lesson so that I can have a game plan on how to fix said problem.
First things first, you have to know your E major scale! Get comfortable in E major before pounding away at this etude! Next, we need to understand that the 8th note gets the beat, so set the metronome at a comfortable learning speed and subdivide everything based on the 8th note, not the quarter note.
The biggest challenge I see creeping up is keeping the long, connected lines, trying to breathe in organic places that don’t interrupt the musical lines. It is clearly marked where phrases start and stop, these are important to observe as it gives this etude a unique ebb and flow when observed. A pattern is set in the first three bars with the dotted 8th notes followed by three 16th notes, but the pattern is disrupted by six 16th notes that generates forward motion to a repetition of the first three measures. That would be a good spot for a little crescendo.