KMEA Jazz Bass Trombone All State 2020-2021Friends- Jim Snidero
A quick read of the KMEA 2020-2021 All-State Jazz Bass Trombone track “Friends” from Jim Snidero’s Jazz Conception book.
A Brief Rundown for Online Lessons and Recording Equipment
If you are considering taking online lessons or want to up your recording equipment a little, this is the post for you!
Colby Norton Tuba Ky All-State 2020-2021 Tyrell 19
A quick read of the 2020-2021 Kentucky All-StateTuba Excerpt Tyrell #19 from 40 Advanced Studies for Bb Bass. I like to play the pieces that my students are working on allowing my natural tendencies (tone, tempo, rhythm, intonation problems, style, and so on) to exist.
Colby Norton Euphonium All-State 2020-2021Rochut #20
A quick read of the 2020-2021 Kentucky All-State Euphonium Excerpt Rochut #20. I like to play the pieces that my students are working on allowing my natural tendencies (tone, tempo, rhythm, intonation problems, style, and so on) to exist.
On Doubling… the art of balance
You need to have a daily routine that no matter what happens in a day, you've at least done that.
Colby Norton Bartok Miraculous MandarinLow Brass excerpt (trombone, bass trombone and tuba)
In celebration of my birthday, I'm playing my favorite moment in all of the orchestral rep from my favorite piece, Bartok's The Miraculous Mandarin! So much stuff happening in this piece that as a low brass player you CANNOT sleep on it!
Colby Norton Tuba Kentucky All-State 2020-2021 Blazhevich #24
A quick read of the 2020-2021 Kentucky All-StateTuba Excerpt Blazhevich #24 from 70 Studies for Bb Tuba Volume 1.
Colby Norton Bass Trombone Kentucky All State 2020-2021 Blazhevich #11
A quick read of the 2020-2021 Kentucky All-State Bass Trombone Excerpt Blazhevich #11 from 70 Studies for Bb Tuba Volume 1.
Colby Norton Tenor Trombone Kentucky All State 2020-2021 Tyrell #11
This is one of my favorite Tyrell etudes, it has a few different moods the further along in the etude you get.